
Terms Of Service

Modified: September 18, 2023

The subsequent Terms of Service ("Terms") outline the conditions governing the access and utilization of the Content ("Content") and Services ("Services") offered by MultiSecurePro ("we", "our", "the Company"). This encompasses the website ("Website"), applications ("Apps"), and any software distributed by MultiSecurePro ("Software").


When you access the Content or Services, either individually or on behalf of an entity ("you"), you affirm that you've comprehended and assented to these terms in full. This set of terms forms a legally enforceable contract ("the Agreement") between you and MultiSecurePro. It's worth noting that these conditions pertain to all users of the Service, inclusive of those with premium accounts. If any section of these Terms doesn't align with your perspective, refrain from utilizing our service.


At its discretion, MultiSecurePro holds the authority to adjust the clauses of this agreement whenever deemed necessary. Should you permit, any alterations to these terms might be communicated to you through email, in-app notifications, or other alert methods. It remains your duty to stay updated with such alterations. Persisting with the usage of MultiSecurePro's Services and Content post any updates signifies your acceptance and acknowledgment of the revised Terms.


MultiSecurePro neither gathers nor retains details about user traffic, DNS look-ups, web exploration histories, or VPN endpoint addresses.

For purposes of customer assistance and billing, MultiSecurePro might ask for specifics like your email address or payment-related details during sign-up and acquisition phases. Our website's Privacy Declaration elucidates the handling of this data in depth. Prior to availing our services, it's imperative that you're well-acquainted with our Privacy Policy.

We firmly assert our stance on non-disclosure: no user information is relayed to external entities, and unless legally mandated by a judicial directive, we won't honor requests for data.


Unless explicitly granted, all rights are retained by MultiSecurePro.

You are endowed with a limited, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license by MultiSecurePro to employ the service. It is prohibited to alter, circulate, lease, commercially exploit the Services, or make them available to external parties. All rights that haven't been explicitly granted to the user remain in possession of MultiSecurePro.


It is your responsibility to ensure that when using the Website, Apps, Software, and Services, you always abide by local, state, national, and international statutes and directives. Beyond adhering to these Terms, you are also expected to remain in compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines.

It is crucial to safeguard the confidentiality of your MultiSecurePro account credentials. You bear the onus for any activities transpiring on our servers through your login details. Should you become aware or suspect any breach concerning your account details, promptly notify MultiSecurePro.

By availing our Service, you pledge to refrain from:

- Distributing unsought content via the Service, like junk mail.

- Transmitting illicit, abusive, hateful, threatening content or any material infringing on intellectual property rights and individual privacy.

- Engaging in the unauthorized dissemination, reproduction, uploading, or downloading of content protected by intellectual property rights.

- Distributing, replicating, uploading, downloading, or publishing any materials showcasing explicit or inappropriate portrayals of minors.

- Trying to access the Service or its related systems or networks without authorization, including hacking attempts.

- Partaking in activities that deter or curtail other users' ability to enjoy or utilize the Services. This includes unjust network usage (e.g., consuming a significant bandwidth amount surpassing average user bandwidth for prolonged periods, or similar actions putting undue strain on the network possibly disrupting other users). If you misuse the Service in a manner contrary to these Terms and the prevailing laws, MultiSecurePro retains the authority to suspend your account and service access without prior notification or reimbursement.


The service is offered "as is" and "as available", with no explicit or implicit warranties or assurances provided by MultiSecurePro. MultiSecurePro does not assert that the Services will fulfill your requirements, be consistently available, or that particular functionalities of the Services will always be available. It is essential for you to recognize that your engagement with the Website and Services is solely at your discretion and risk.

The VPN Service's attributes such as reach, speed, caliber, and server positioning might differ and can be inaccessible due to various factors. This can range from third-party service disruptions, emergencies, hardware issues, limitations in transmission or networks, to interference or weakening of signals. MultiSecurePro does not hold any liability for any inability to uphold the precision, integrity, safety, or privacy of your data, communications, or content, whether such lapses arise from service disturbances or operational setbacks.

At its own discretion, MultiSecurePro can set boundaries on usage or service, halt the Service, or prohibit certain kinds of usage.


MultiSecurePro, along with its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, members, officers, and employees, disclaims any liability, be it under contract, tort, strict liability, negligence, or any other legal theory, for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages or lost profits that arise from the services. Regardless of being made aware of the potential of such damages, neither MultiSecurePro nor its associated entities shall be responsible for any kind of direct, indirect, special, consequential, or incidental losses or damages. This provision does not apply where it's forbidden by applicable law.


All rights, title, and interest in MultiSecurePro and its Service, including but not limited to its visual interfaces, data, servers, products, software, graphics, and all other elements associated with the service, are owned exclusively by MultiSecurePro.


By engaging with the Content and Service, you commit to indemnify and shield MultiSecurePro, its affiliates, members, directors, agents, suppliers, and their respective members, directors, employees, and shareholders from any claims, damages, or costs, inclusive of attorney's fees, that stem from your utilization of the Content and Service or any breach of this Agreement. MultiSecurePro retains the right, at its own volition, to undertake the defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you. This does not, however, waive your obligations to indemnify.